Mcdonalds Theory

Over the process of the last decade, we have been met with a Small Box of open happiness and the nice, mouth watering taste of fake meat that we enjoyed even now when It has been exchanged with the real Meats. Point is, It is Memorable. 
After a few years, growing into the Man I am now I have realized that McDonald's would be hiding something big. Being in business for this time and changing it all for pleasure may be just kind service, or a cover up scheme.
The government is working on a Zombie Creation injection to give infinite life. They called this "Peenus." It was titled that because of the Creator, "''Seue k. Peenus''!" Overtime, This would be made to live infinite lives which ended up creating a Zombie.
McDonalds, Illuminati, and the Government are combining their force to create the Apocalypse for a New World! McDonalds fattening the People up would stop them from running, thus allowing an easy kill. As for the non meat eaters, They appeal to Fake Vegan Burgers also!
How do I know this? Because I use to be an intern at Nickolodeon, The Guy's working on Spongebob were watching some kind of Evil Squidward video. On the otherhand, I was organizing Apples when the Apples formed into the Words,'' "McDonalds, Illuminati, and the Government are combining their force to create the Apocalypse for a New World! McDonalds fattening the People up would stop them from running, thus allowing an easy kill. As for the non meat eaters, They appeal to Fake Vegan Burgers also!"''
Funniest part was how there were only 5 Apples.
Prepare yourself immediatly! It is all Ogre now...
The End! (plz dunt sew, tus unly a joak.)